Chinese Herbal Medicine and Psychophysiology
Vagus Nerve; Psychological and Neurophysiological Dysfunction
Author: Daniel Weber, PhD, M.Sc.
Publisher: Panaxea Publishing
First Published: July 2010
Pages: 92
ISBN: 978-0-646-5091-7
‘Chinese Herbal Medicine and Psychophysiology’ continues Daniel Weber’s work at integrating traditional and orthodox medicines, of bringing rational scientific understandings to ancient insights.
In this book Daniel examines the parallels between traditional medicines of the East and the emerging science of Psychophysiology. In particular, Daniel discusses the theories of vagaltone forwarded by Porges and Cozolino, and the traditional Chinese medicine concept of san jiao.
When examining psychological distress, we now understand that the psyche/soma is a multilevel system, which embraces the whole human. Daniel’s latest book contributes to the development of this new era of medicine by bringing together the best of East and West and the best of ancient and modern.